- Extensive use of the internet has enabled easy access to many different sources, such as news and social media. Content shared on the internet cannot be fully fact-checked and, as a result, misinformation can spread in a fast and easy way. Recently, psychologists and economists have shown in many experiments that prior beliefs, knowledge, and the willingness to think deliberately are important determinants to explain who falls for fake news. Many of these studies only rely on self-reports, which suffer from social desirability. We need more objective measures of information processing, such as eye movements, to effectively analyze the reading of news. To provide the research community the opportunity to study human behaviors in relation to news truthfulness, we propose the FakeNewsPerception dataset. FakeNewsPerception consists of eye movements during reading, perceived believability scores, questionnaires including Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) and News-Find-Me (NFM) perception, andExtensive use of the internet has enabled easy access to many different sources, such as news and social media. Content shared on the internet cannot be fully fact-checked and, as a result, misinformation can spread in a fast and easy way. Recently, psychologists and economists have shown in many experiments that prior beliefs, knowledge, and the willingness to think deliberately are important determinants to explain who falls for fake news. Many of these studies only rely on self-reports, which suffer from social desirability. We need more objective measures of information processing, such as eye movements, to effectively analyze the reading of news. To provide the research community the opportunity to study human behaviors in relation to news truthfulness, we propose the FakeNewsPerception dataset. FakeNewsPerception consists of eye movements during reading, perceived believability scores, questionnaires including Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) and News-Find-Me (NFM) perception, and political orientation, collected from 25 participants with 60 news items. Initial analyses of the eye movements reveal that human perception differs when viewing true and fake news.…