Eva Goldberg‐Bockhorn, Ulla Wenzel, Marie‐Nicole Theodoraki, Johannes Döscher, Ricarda Riepl, Marlene C. Wigand, Cornelia Brunner, Martin Heßling, Thomas K. Hoffmann, Johann Kern, Nicole Rotter
- Lesions of aural, nasal and tracheal cartilage are frequently reconstructed by complex surgeries which are based on harvesting autologous cartilage from other locations such as the rib. Cartilage tissue engineering (CTE) is regarded as a promising alternative to attain vital cartilage. Nevertheless, CTE with nearly natural properties poses a significant challenge to research due to the complex reciprocal interactions between cells and extracellular matrix which have to be imitated and which are still not fully understood. Thus, we used a custom-made glass bioreactor to enhance cell migration into decellularized porcine cartilage scaffolds (DECM) and mimic physiological conditions. The DECM seeded with human nasal chondrocytes (HPCH) were cultured in the glass reactor for 6 weeks and examined by histological and immunohistochemical staining, biochemical analyses and real time-PCR at 14, 28 and 42 days. The migration depth and the number of migrated cells were quantified by computationalLesions of aural, nasal and tracheal cartilage are frequently reconstructed by complex surgeries which are based on harvesting autologous cartilage from other locations such as the rib. Cartilage tissue engineering (CTE) is regarded as a promising alternative to attain vital cartilage. Nevertheless, CTE with nearly natural properties poses a significant challenge to research due to the complex reciprocal interactions between cells and extracellular matrix which have to be imitated and which are still not fully understood. Thus, we used a custom-made glass bioreactor to enhance cell migration into decellularized porcine cartilage scaffolds (DECM) and mimic physiological conditions. The DECM seeded with human nasal chondrocytes (HPCH) were cultured in the glass reactor for 6 weeks and examined by histological and immunohistochemical staining, biochemical analyses and real time-PCR at 14, 28 and 42 days. The migration depth and the number of migrated cells were quantified by computational analysis. Compared to the static cultivation, the dynamic culture (DC) fostered migration of HPCH into deeper tissue layers. Furthermore, cultivation in the bioreactor enhanced differentiation of the cells during the first 14 days, but differentiation diminished in the course of further cultivation. We consider the DC in the presented bioreactor as a promising tool to facilitate CTE and to help to better understand the complex physiological processes during cartilage regeneration. Maintaining differentiation of chondrocytes and improving cellular migration by further optimizing culture conditions is an important prerequisite for future clinical application.…