HEAR4Health: a blueprint for making computer audition a staple of modern healthcare

  • Recent years have seen a rapid increase in digital medicine research in an attempt to transform traditional healthcare systems to their modern, intelligent, and versatile equivalents that are adequately equipped to tackle contemporary challenges. This has led to a wave of applications that utilise AI technologies; first and foremost in the fields of medical imaging, but also in the use of wearables and other intelligent sensors. In comparison, computer audition can be seen to be lagging behind, at least in terms of commercial interest. Yet, audition has long been a staple assistant for medical practitioners, with the stethoscope being the quintessential sign of doctors around the world. Transforming this traditional technology with the use of AI entails a set of unique challenges. We categorise the advances needed in four key pillars: Hear, corresponding to the cornerstone technologies needed to analyse auditory signals in real-life conditions; Earlier, for the advances needed inRecent years have seen a rapid increase in digital medicine research in an attempt to transform traditional healthcare systems to their modern, intelligent, and versatile equivalents that are adequately equipped to tackle contemporary challenges. This has led to a wave of applications that utilise AI technologies; first and foremost in the fields of medical imaging, but also in the use of wearables and other intelligent sensors. In comparison, computer audition can be seen to be lagging behind, at least in terms of commercial interest. Yet, audition has long been a staple assistant for medical practitioners, with the stethoscope being the quintessential sign of doctors around the world. Transforming this traditional technology with the use of AI entails a set of unique challenges. We categorise the advances needed in four key pillars: Hear, corresponding to the cornerstone technologies needed to analyse auditory signals in real-life conditions; Earlier, for the advances needed in computational and data efficiency; Attentively, for accounting to individual differences and handling the longitudinal nature of medical data; and, finally, Responsibly, for ensuring compliance to the ethical standards accorded to the field of medicine.show moreshow less

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Author:Andreas TriantafyllopoulosORCiD, Alexander KathanORCiD, Alice BairdGND, Lukas Christ, Alexander Gebhard, Maurice GerczukORCiD, Vincent Karas, Tobias Hübner, Xin Jing, Shuo Liu, Adria Mallol-RagoltaORCiDGND, Manuel MillingGND, Sandra Ottl, Anastasia Semertzidou, Srividya Tirunellai Rajamani, Tianhao Yan, Zijiang Yang, Judith DineleyORCiD, Shahin AmiriparianORCiDGND, Katrin D. Bartl-PokornyORCiDGND, Anton BatlinerORCiDGND, Florian B. PokornyORCiDGND, Björn W. SchullerORCiDGND
Frontdoor URLhttps://opus.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/opus4/104348
Parent Title (English):Frontiers in Digital Health
Year of first Publication:2023
Publishing Institution:Universität Augsburg
Release Date:2023/05/11
First Page:1196079
Institutes:Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik
Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik / Institut für Informatik
Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik / Institut für Informatik / Lehrstuhl für Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing
Dewey Decimal Classification:0 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke / 00 Informatik, Wissen, Systeme / 004 Datenverarbeitung; Informatik
Licence (German):CC-BY 4.0: Creative Commons: Namensnennung (mit Print on Demand)