- Rationale
Although interest in the neurobiology of facial communication of pain has increased over the last decades, little is known about which neurotransmitter systems might be involved in regulating facial expressions of pain.
We aim to investigate whether the serotonergic system (5-HT), which has been implicated in various aspects of pain processing as well as in behavioral response inhibition, might play a role in facial expressions of pain. Using acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) to manipulate 5-HT function, we examined its effects on facial and subjective pain responses.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled within-subject design, 27 participants received either an ATD or a control drink in two separate sessions. Approximately 5-h post-oral consumption, we assessed pain thresholds (heat, pressure) as well as facial and subjective responses to phasic heat pain. Moreover, situational pain catastrophizing and mood were assessed as affective stateRationale
Although interest in the neurobiology of facial communication of pain has increased over the last decades, little is known about which neurotransmitter systems might be involved in regulating facial expressions of pain.
We aim to investigate whether the serotonergic system (5-HT), which has been implicated in various aspects of pain processing as well as in behavioral response inhibition, might play a role in facial expressions of pain. Using acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) to manipulate 5-HT function, we examined its effects on facial and subjective pain responses.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled within-subject design, 27 participants received either an ATD or a control drink in two separate sessions. Approximately 5-h post-oral consumption, we assessed pain thresholds (heat, pressure) as well as facial and subjective responses to phasic heat pain. Moreover, situational pain catastrophizing and mood were assessed as affective state indicators.
ATD neither influenced pain thresholds nor self-report ratings, nor catastrophizing or mood. Only facial responses were significantly affected by ATD. ATD led to a decrease in pain-indicative as well as in pain-non-indicative facial responses to painful heat, compared to the control condition.
Decrease in brain 5-HT synthesis via ATD significantly reduced facial responses to phasic heat pain; possibly due to (i) diminished disposition to display social behavior or due to (ii) decreased facilitation of excitatory inputs to the facial motor neuron.…