- The effectiveness of peer feedback is likely to depend on beliefs and orientations toward peer feedback. Therefore, we investigate to what extent they predict (a) the quality of the feedback that students provide to their peers and (b) the perceived adequacy of the feedback they receive from their peers. N = 254 pre-service teachers reported their beliefs and orientations, provided feedback, and processed the feedback they received. Regression analyses showed that beliefs and orientations were not associated with the quality of the provided feedback and that valuation of peer feedback as important skill and receptivity significantly predicted perceived feedback adequacy. The lack of associations when providing feedback might indicate that peer feedback as instructional context can provide external scaffolding to an extent that almost levels individual differences in beliefs towards peer feedback providing. Our results imply that training and instruction should mainly focus on fosteringThe effectiveness of peer feedback is likely to depend on beliefs and orientations toward peer feedback. Therefore, we investigate to what extent they predict (a) the quality of the feedback that students provide to their peers and (b) the perceived adequacy of the feedback they receive from their peers. N = 254 pre-service teachers reported their beliefs and orientations, provided feedback, and processed the feedback they received. Regression analyses showed that beliefs and orientations were not associated with the quality of the provided feedback and that valuation of peer feedback as important skill and receptivity significantly predicted perceived feedback adequacy. The lack of associations when providing feedback might indicate that peer feedback as instructional context can provide external scaffolding to an extent that almost levels individual differences in beliefs towards peer feedback providing. Our results imply that training and instruction should mainly focus on fostering motivation for feedback reception.…