- Many users of libraries or subscribers of news services have suffered the well-known troublesome problem of getting 'properly' notified about latest publications or events. Definitively this should happen in a personalized manner as much as possible. The acquisition and maintenance of sophisticated user preferences about topics of interest as well as knowledge about a user's personal situation are prerequisites for better solutions than current ad hoc approaches. The P-NEWS project tackles this challenge by applying a highly flexible preference engineering methodology with powerful preference query capabilities. Choosing an MPEG-7 setting we focus on the description of the overall PNEWS component architecture. A novel 'Personalizer' component will automatically compose queries from preference patterns stored in a preference repository. These queries are efficiently evaluated against the MPEG-7 database using Preference XPATH. The delivery of selected documents will be done in aMany users of libraries or subscribers of news services have suffered the well-known troublesome problem of getting 'properly' notified about latest publications or events. Definitively this should happen in a personalized manner as much as possible. The acquisition and maintenance of sophisticated user preferences about topics of interest as well as knowledge about a user's personal situation are prerequisites for better solutions than current ad hoc approaches. The P-NEWS project tackles this challenge by applying a highly flexible preference engineering methodology with powerful preference query capabilities. Choosing an MPEG-7 setting we focus on the description of the overall PNEWS component architecture. A novel 'Personalizer' component will automatically compose queries from preference patterns stored in a preference repository. These queries are efficiently evaluated against the MPEG-7 database using Preference XPATH. The delivery of selected documents will be done in a personalized mode, too. We exemplify our approach with a use case scenario for an IT news notification service. Eventually this work in progress targets to contribute technological advances for next generation digital news services, supporting diverse user groups registered for large multimedia libraries.…