Culture, Entrepreneurship and Innovation : Freedom, Tolerance and the Role of Subcultures
- The importance of innovation for economic growth has been widely recognized amongst economists. To understand innovation, scholars have recently shifted their attention away from the firm level towards geography and the role of place-based entrepreneurship. Alongside this research stresses the importance of various factors, conditions, and national and regional endowments. Besides physical factors such as infrastructure, legal institutions, financing and R&D, scholars also highlight the crucial role of much “softer”, social and cultural-driven factors.
The following thesis sheds light on the role of culture for innovation. Previous research has outlined that a certain cultural atmosphere supporting personal freedoms and tolerance for diversity is essential to innovation because it attracts creative talents and fosters a climate of experientialism and creativity where competition and entrepreneurship can flourish. Nevertheless, several questions remain open that this thesis aims toThe importance of innovation for economic growth has been widely recognized amongst economists. To understand innovation, scholars have recently shifted their attention away from the firm level towards geography and the role of place-based entrepreneurship. Alongside this research stresses the importance of various factors, conditions, and national and regional endowments. Besides physical factors such as infrastructure, legal institutions, financing and R&D, scholars also highlight the crucial role of much “softer”, social and cultural-driven factors.
The following thesis sheds light on the role of culture for innovation. Previous research has outlined that a certain cultural atmosphere supporting personal freedoms and tolerance for diversity is essential to innovation because it attracts creative talents and fosters a climate of experientialism and creativity where competition and entrepreneurship can flourish. Nevertheless, several questions remain open that this thesis aims to address at different units of spatial analysis. At the institutional and national level, it explores the limits and conditions under which freedom and a climate of cultural tolerance adds to innovation and when it can act as a hindrance. At the regional level, it develops a model of place-based entrepreneurship revolving around subcultures and their impact in creating open and free environments where creative talents feel inspired, and which might be the most attractive and conducive to work.…