Die Rückkehr der Historienmalerei : Ein Blick in deutsche und französische Schulgeschichtsbücher der neunziger Jahre
- Die Rückkehr der Historienmalerei : Ein Blick in deutsche und französische Schulgeschichtsbücher der neunziger Jahre
- This study deals with the question in which ways German and French history books for school education, published in the nineties, present paintings with historical content, so-called "histories". The report starts with the discussion first of the possible contributions of such paintings to the requirements of historical learning and, second, of the meaning of the term "history" in the classification systems of History of Art. Significant results of the analysis of nearly fifty history books for school education are as follows: 1. The "histories" are often presented as illustrations, not as source material for the requirements of historical learning. The rules for a correct presentation of historical source material are often disregarded, furthermore the informations given to the paintings are frequently incomplete or incorrect. 2. French history books relate the paintings consequently to the era of the painter, in German books, however, the "histories" are often taken from art sourcesThis study deals with the question in which ways German and French history books for school education, published in the nineties, present paintings with historical content, so-called "histories". The report starts with the discussion first of the possible contributions of such paintings to the requirements of historical learning and, second, of the meaning of the term "history" in the classification systems of History of Art. Significant results of the analysis of nearly fifty history books for school education are as follows: 1. The "histories" are often presented as illustrations, not as source material for the requirements of historical learning. The rules for a correct presentation of historical source material are often disregarded, furthermore the informations given to the paintings are frequently incomplete or incorrect. 2. French history books relate the paintings consequently to the era of the painter, in German books, however, the "histories" are often taken from art sources different to the presented time period. 3. Further differences between German and French books can be seen in three new ways of de-constructing the character of "histories" as source material which are found more often in German than in French books. There are (a) verbal implementations added to the pictures comparable to comics srips, (b) variant ways of de-constructing of the pictures for the use of design, and (c) a reduction of the "histories" to the pure status of "icon", signaling the discourse of the discipline.…