Relations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science - PHD Programme at RelMiCS10 / AKA5
- This volume contains the tutorial materials and the contributed extended abstracts of the PhD Programme at the 10th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science (RelMiCS10) and the 5th International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra (AKA5). The programme has been organised for the second time in association with RelMiCS/AKA. It took place in Frauenwörth on an Island in Lake Chiem in Bavaria, from April 7 to April 11, 2008, and included invited tutorials, a student session and attendance at the conference. Eight extended abstracts by students were selected for the programme by the organisers due to the relevance and quality of their submissions. They nicely reflect the diverse applications of relations and Kleene algebras in computing. The student session allowed the participants to present and discuss their own work. In addition there were three invited tutorials: Basics of Relation Algebra by Jules Desharnais (Université Laval, Quebec, Canada), BasicsThis volume contains the tutorial materials and the contributed extended abstracts of the PhD Programme at the 10th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science (RelMiCS10) and the 5th International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra (AKA5). The programme has been organised for the second time in association with RelMiCS/AKA. It took place in Frauenwörth on an Island in Lake Chiem in Bavaria, from April 7 to April 11, 2008, and included invited tutorials, a student session and attendance at the conference. Eight extended abstracts by students were selected for the programme by the organisers due to the relevance and quality of their submissions. They nicely reflect the diverse applications of relations and Kleene algebras in computing. The student session allowed the participants to present and discuss their own work. In addition there were three invited tutorials: Basics of Relation Algebra by Jules Desharnais (Université Laval, Quebec, Canada), Basics of Modal Kleene Algebra by Georg Struth (University of Sheffield, UK) and Basics of Preference and Fuzzy Preference Modeling by Susanne Saminger (Universität Linz, Austria). The RelMiCS/AKA conference series is the main forum for the relational calculus as a conceptual and methodological tool and for topics related to Kleene algebras. This year's proceedings, published as volume 4988 of the Springer LNCS series, contain 28 contributions by researchers from all over the world. Next to 26 regular papers there are the invited papers Formal Methods and the Theory of Social Choice by Marc Pauly (Stanford University, USA) and Relations Making Their Way from Logics to Mathematics and Applied Sciences, by Gunther Schmidt (University of the Armed Forces Munich, Germany). The papers show that relational and Kleene Algebra methods have wide-ranging impact and applicability in theory and practice.…