Data augmentation for dementia detection in spoken language

  • Dementia is a growing problem as our society ages, and detection methods are often invasive and expensive. Recent deep-learning techniques can offer a faster diagnosis and have shown promis ing results. However, they require large amounts of labelled data which is not easily available for the task of dementia detection. One effective solution to sparse data problems is data augmenta tion, though the exact methods need to be selected carefully. To date, there has been no empirical study of data augmentation on Alzheimer's disease (AD) datasets for NLP and speech process ing. In this work, we investigate data augmentation techniques for the task of AD detection and perform an empirical evaluation of the different approaches on two kinds of models for both the text and audio domains. We use a transformer-based model for both domains, and SVM and Random Forest models for the text and audio domains, respectively. We generate additional samples using traditional as well as deep learningDementia is a growing problem as our society ages, and detection methods are often invasive and expensive. Recent deep-learning techniques can offer a faster diagnosis and have shown promis ing results. However, they require large amounts of labelled data which is not easily available for the task of dementia detection. One effective solution to sparse data problems is data augmenta tion, though the exact methods need to be selected carefully. To date, there has been no empirical study of data augmentation on Alzheimer's disease (AD) datasets for NLP and speech process ing. In this work, we investigate data augmentation techniques for the task of AD detection and perform an empirical evaluation of the different approaches on two kinds of models for both the text and audio domains. We use a transformer-based model for both domains, and SVM and Random Forest models for the text and audio domains, respectively. We generate additional samples using traditional as well as deep learning based methods and show that data augmentation improves performance for both the text- and audio-based models and that such results are compara ble to state-of-the-art results on the popular ADReSS set, with carefully crafted architectures and moreshow less

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Author:Dominika Woszczyk, Anna Hedlikova, Alican Akman, Soteris Demetriou, Björn SchullerORCiDGND
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Parent Title (English):Interspeech 2022, Incheon, Korea, 18-22 September 2022
Place of publication:Baixas
Editor:Hanseok Ko, John H. L. Hansen
Type:Conference Proceeding
Year of first Publication:2022
Publishing Institution:Universität Augsburg
Release Date:2022/11/15
First Page:2858
Last Page:2862
Institutes:Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik
Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik / Institut für Informatik
Fakultät für Angewandte Informatik / Institut für Informatik / Lehrstuhl für Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing
Dewey Decimal Classification:0 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke / 00 Informatik, Wissen, Systeme / 004 Datenverarbeitung; Informatik
Licence (German):Deutsches Urheberrecht